Talcum Powder Cancer Trials Status
Of the last three talcum powder cancer trials there has been one win for the defense, one win for the plaintiff, and one is on hold
Friday, April 10, 2020 - With most civil proceedings in recess due to COVID19 outbreak, now would be a good time to look at the last three trials involving talcum powder asbestos, the outcomes and punitive damage awards if any.
In Vickie Forrest v Johnson & Johnson, the defense prevailed as a jury found that the defendant, Johnson & Johnson was not responsible for causing the St. Louis woman's ovarian cancer. The win was the eighth overall against 8 losses for the cosmetics, pharmaceutical, and medical device giant yet there are approximately 16,000 more cancer sufferers who claim to have developed ovarian cancer or mesothelioma and waiting to prove their case. Plaintiff Vickie Forrest, 56, alleged that she had used Johnson's Baby Powder regularly, frequently and for three decades and that particles of talc had invaded her perineal region and traveled up into her ovaries, becoming lodged there for decades and causing cancer. Ms. Forrest was diagnosed with ovarian cancer in 2012 and is fortunately in remission. A Johnson & Johnson attorney spokesperson described the victory to Business Today.com, "This is the fourth consecutive verdict in favor of Johnson & Johnson in these cases and the eighth defense verdict this year. The jury carefully considered the decades of independent clinical evidence, which show Johnson's Baby Powder is safe, does not contain asbestos, and does not cause cancer, it added. We know that anyone suffering from cancer is searching for answers, which is why the science and facts on this topic are so important." Talcum powder cancer lawsuits are represented by top national attorneys with vast experience and a winning track record litigating against big pharmaceutical companies and offer a free consultation and no obligation to file a claim.
One month later in January 2020, A New Jersey jury ordered Johnson & Johnson to pay four plaintiffs with mesothelioma $750 million in punitive damages after they alleged that Johnson's Baby Powder was and is contaminated with asbestos that caused their lung disease. The trial occurred near Johnson & Johnson's headquarters in New Jersey where the company is the state's largest employer. In addition to the enormous jury award, the trial is noteworthy because it was the first to feature testimony from Johnson & Johnson's CEO who was forced to testify in the punitive damages phase of the trial. The jury may have been put off when the company's leader told them that he was too busy a man to read memos sent to him over the years regarding talc being contaminated with asbestos and just forwarded them to company experts on the matter.
Most recently, a jury trial has been temporarily delayed for health reasons due to the Covid19 pandemic after American International's executive vice president Charlie Loveless testified that his company, Clubman Talc has never tested its product for asbestos. Loveless testified that there was no reason to conduct independent tests since the talc purchased came with a certificate of purity. "Well, as part of its certificates, all the product that we received shows that there's no detectable amount of asbestos in it," Loveless said. "So there would be nothing to investigate if the product doesn't have it. So I don't think we would do that." according to Mesothelioma.net. Plaintiffs Margaret Lashley and Dwayne Johnson, one a professional barber, and the other claiming to have regularly visited barber/beauty salons allege to have developed mesothelioma from inhaling Clubman talc dust that was contaminated with asbestos.