Talc Could Be Contaminated With Asbestos Therefore Is Never Safe
One prominent website has recently raised the issue of talcum powder safety
Tuesday, September 5, 2023 - Millions of people around the world continue to use talcum powder despite evidence pointing to talc containing asbestos, a deadly carcinogen, and potentially leading to cancer. More to the point, about 60,000 lawsuits allege that Johnson's Baby Powder made from talc caused women to develop talcum powder ovarian cancer when used, as advertised, on the genitals for feminine hygiene. Tests in 2020 by the Food and Drug Administration found asbestos in Johnson's Baby Powder and the company discontinued selling its iconic brand in all of North America. The company followed that up by discontinuing sales worldwide. The company blamed its action to discontinue the product on decreasing sales due to scientific disinformation. Johnson & Johnson continues to claim that their talc is safe, pure, and asbestos-free despite the FDA findings which they allege were based on an unreliable asbestos testing methodology. That assertion seems improbable as talc and asbestos are similar organic minerals found in the earth adjacent to, and often overlapping or interspersed with one another and it would be impossible to remove asbestos from talc. Experts agree that there is no safe amount of asbestos that may be ingested and one microscopically small particle could cause cancer or mesothelioma.
Most of the public, however, remains unaware of the risks of using talcum powder or are willing to accept the risks. Mesothelioma.com writes in an article titled: "Is Purified Talc Safe to Use," about how a directive of talc called magnesium silicate may be safe for human consumption. " Purified talc with (IP / BP / USP specifications) is an acceptable excipient, or "inactive ingredient," to be included in the manufacturing of pharmaceutical tablets, capsules, dermatological powders, and creams. Most medications include some type of "inactive ingredient" or filler substance with no medicinal properties to support the delivery of the medicine," Mesothelioma wrote. The mesothelioma experts also warn that ingesting talc laden with asbestos could be life-threatening. "Due to the possibility of asbestos-talc contamination, there are reports of talc products testing positive for asbestos, resulting in serious health issues for consumers. Talc is dangerous when contaminated with asbestos. When talc is in its powder form, it's easy to inhale or ingest. If contaminated with asbestos, a consumer might unknowingly inhale or swallow talcum powder particles as well as sharp asbestos fibers. The asbestos particles are sharp and can become lodged in the linings of the lungs or abdomen, causing irritation, cell mutation, and tumor formation." Not all talcum powder products talc are made from talc taken from the same mine so the quality (asbestos contamination) could vary from location to location.
Johnson & Johnson has recently established a landmark trust and committed nearly $9 billion to settle about 70,000 talcum powder cancer lawsuits through their LTL management legal subsidiary. According to one website, "Women who have suffered and died as a result of talcum powder ovarian cancer now have a clear pathway to seeking compensation for their suffering and losses."