Lawsuits Against Johnson & Johnson Are Halted But Plaintiff's Cancer And Mesothelioma Continues To Progress
Being unable to file suit and hold Johnson & Johnson responsible if a court of law adds another level of frustration after getting a cancer diagnosis
Tuesday, July 5, 2022 - Mesothelioma is rare and deadly scarring of the delicate lining of the lungs causing them to become inelastic and eventually rendering the victim unable to breathe. Inhaling asbestos is the only known cause of the disease that affects mostly those whose job it was to dig for the mineral. Residents of towns that surround asbestos mines also were found to have a higher incident rate of mesothelioma indicating that the mineral could become airborne and land wherever the prevailing wind may take it. The airborne nature of asbestos is similar to when one squeezes a bottle of baby powder, ejecting streams of talc onto its target, usually the bottoms of infants and babies during a diaper change several times per day. Millions of American mothers and their infants may have been exposed to dangerous levels of airborne asbestos in Johnson's Baby Powder and now have the disease having never had any other exposure. It is thought that most municipal, state and federal government buildings used asbestos for insulation on walls and pipes, exposing millions. Women that have developed mesothelioma have filed talcum powder lawsuits against Johnson & Johnson for failing to warn them that the talc they were using likely contained carcinogenic levels of asbestos. One woman recently aired her frustrations in an interview with the Philadelphia Inquirer, "I never worked with asbestos or had any other occupational exposures. After spending hours going over every place I've ever lived or worked, it was determined that the only way I was exposed to asbestos was from Johnson & Johnson's Baby Powder, which I used for years when my children were babies. The little white bottle I had associated with motherly love, hygiene, and care became my death sentence." Women that blame using Johnson's Baby Powder for causing their mesothelioma or ovarian cancer are surprised to learn that as of this moment they can not even file a lawsuit against the company as is their Constitutionally-guaranteed right. This is likely to change in the weeks to come but as of the time of this writing, more than 40.000 Johnson's Baby Powder cancer and mesothelioma cases have been put on hold while the company's controversial legal maneuver in bankruptcy court is decided. Johnson & Johnson's defense of their iconic baby powder crumbled under the weight of the lawsuits and the company's legal team recommends they spin off their talcum powder legal liabilities into a separate company and then declare it bankrupt. The company funded the spin-off company with a paltry sum of $2 billion. Experts agree that a figure ten times that amount would not even cover all of the claims of women with ovarian cancer or mesothelioma. Legal experts, plaintiff attorneys, US lawmakers, the original author of the Texas Two-Step bankruptcy bill, and the US Department of Justice all agree that Johnson & Johnson should not be able to hide behind the controversial bankruptcy scheme and that the Texas Two-Step should be outlawed completely and once and for all.