Experts Warn Talc Can Cause Cancer And Should Be Avoided
Medical experts warn that using cosmetics that contain talc every day could lead to developing a deadly disease
Sunday, April 30, 2023 - Talc has for decades been marketed to mothers for use on their babies during diaper changes several times per day, every day for the first few years of a baby's life. Millions of American mothers were sold by the Johnson & Johnson advertising scheme and the product eventually became branded as "Baby Powder," presuming the product was safe and pure. Unfortunately, talc is not safe and not pure and may contain asbestos, a deadly carcinogen. Talc is a natural mineral that has been used in various personal care products, cosmetics, and food for many years, however, there has been a lot of debate and controversy about the safety of talc due to its potential contamination with asbestos and the risks associated with inhalation or use in the genital area. People have filed talcum powder cancer lawsuits after developing ovarian cancer or mesothelioma from using the product repeatedly and regularly for many years for feminine hygiene. Most experts agree that talc is a dangerous ingredient in any cosmetic product that could be used every day and should be avoided.
Dr. Daniel M. Dinh, a clinical oncologist, has expressed concern about the link between talc use and talcum powder cancer. He states, "Talc is a potential carcinogen and can be contaminated with asbestos, a known carcinogen. Studies have shown an increased risk of ovarian cancer in women who use talc-based powders in the genital area." Pulmonologist Dr. John P. Cunha warns about the dangers of inhaling talc, saying that it can cause serious respiratory problems such as lung irritation, coughing, and difficulty breathing. Long-term exposure to talc powder can even lead to lung damage and lung cancer. It is therefore important to minimize the potential risks associated with talc by following the instructions for use and avoiding inhaling the powder. Dermatologist Dr. Joshua Zeichner has also raised concerns about talc, particularly when used in areas of the body that are prone to irritation. He states that talc can cause skin rashes, hives, and itching, which can be problematic for individuals with sensitive skin. The American Cancer Society recommends that individuals avoid or limit their use of talcum powder, particularly in the genital area, and consider using alternative products if possible. It is also important to note that not all talc-based products are unsafe, but consumers should be informed of the potential risks associated with talc and make informed decisions about their use of such products. Johnson & Johnson has continued to claim that their iconic brand of talcum powder is safe, pure, and asbestos free despite tests by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) that found asbestos in bottles of Johnson's Baby Powder purchased from store shelves. The tests confirmed other findings of asbestos in Johnson's Baby Powder by microscope biologist and frequent expert witness Dr. William Longo. Individuals need to be aware of the potential risks associated with talc use. It is recommended that people limit their use of talc-based products and consider alternatives that do not contain talc.