Defense attorneys for Johnson & Johnson can no longer claim that Johnson's Baby Powder is 100% pure and asbestos-free.
Reuters claims that Johnson & Johnson has covered up knowing talc was contaminated with asbestos for over fifty years.
Monday, October 28, 2019 - Defense attorneys for Johnson
In trial after trial, over and over, win, lose or draw, attorneys defending Johnson & Johnson against allegations of causing cancer have claimed that Johnson's Baby Powder is 100% pure and asbestos-free. That mantra has served as the foundation for the company's defense, not only of the product itself after trials but also of the reputation of the Johnson's Baby Powder brand that it has taken nearly a century to build. You could even go a step further and say that the company's reputation in general for ethically selling all types of cosmetic products from lotions to Q-Tips could come into question if they have lied about something to basic for so long. Talcum powder attorney offer a free consultation to women harmed from regular use of the product and developed ovarian cancer from perennial dusting.
Johnson & Johnson faces around 100,000 current lawsuits about critical health issues such as their misrepresenting their pain killer medication, surgical hernia, and pelvic mesh devices, and now baby powder containing asbestos. The other day the FDA announced that their testing found asbestos in samples of Johnson's Baby Powder procured over the internet prompting Johnson & Johnson to immediately recall the entire batch of 33,000 in which asbestos was detected. There is no question that asbestos is carcinogenic to human beings and causes mesothelioma, a cancer of the lining of the lungs specific to inhaling asbestos. Of the 18,000 lawsuits pending against Johnson's Baby Powder, around two-thirds hold the product responsible for causing ovarian cancer and one-third for causing mesothelioma. There is no cure for mesothelioma which causes its victims to gradually suffocate to death.
The FDA usually does not get involved with testing or issuing opinions on the safety of cosmetics products. The cosmetics industry is self-regulating but relies on the guidance of the FDA when a critical health issue like asbestos contamination comes into question. The FDA became concerned over a half-century ago when scientists first linked asbestos with asbestos miner's cancer, and regulators realized the potential that Johnson's Baby Powder talc could be cross-contaminated with asbestos since it was being mined close to asbestos mines in Italy, China, and the United States. Reuters.com issued a scathing report against the Johnson & Johnson's executive at the time stating that internal JNJ documents dating back 50 years show that Johnson & Johnson was concerned over the FDA's suggestion that the cosmetics industry deploy the liquid separation method of testing talc for asbestos, a more sensitive procedure that was likely to find levels of asbestos that Johnson & Johnson was then overlooking, and that such a finding could cause concern. Johnson & Johnson was able to hem, haw, and stall the FDA which has not to this day has failed to force the testing method on the industry. According to Reuters, "Most internal J&J asbestos test reports Reuters reviewed do not find asbestos. However, while J&J's testing methods improved over time, they have always had limitations that allow trace contaminants to go undetected and only a tiny fraction of the company's talc is tested."